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System thinking

Catalysing planet-positive impact

LightSwitch has developed a unique approach combining knowledge sharing and innovation to scale solutions to new contexts, which has been successfully applied both in global partnerships between countries on clean energy as well as in climate-related projects at municipal level in Sweden.

With a solid base in the latest academic research, we have a deep understanding of how knowledge can be shared between people, how knowledge can be customised to fulfil needs in new contexts and how proven sustainability solutions can be scaled to achieve bigger impact. We have extensive experience from designing, leading and facilitating transdisciplinary knowledge sharing partnerships and scaling initiatives at the international, national and local levels. We have designed our own impactful knowledge sharing methodology that has been successfully applied in a wide range of contexts since 2012.

Taking into account the valuable existing knowledge and experience embedded in people and organisations, we have the methods, tools and experience to lead challenge-focused

co-creation initiatives to leverage the collective intelligence of the people involved – enabling organisations to go from thinking to action on climate and other key sustainability challenges.

Co-created Innovation

Knowledge and innovation alone don’t drive change. To really achieve progress towards meeting our climate and sustainability goals we must add leadership, capacity and skills to the equation. Through our projects and training programmes, and by contributing with our expertise in change leadership, we build capacity in people to become impactful change agents for sustainability in their respective contexts and spheres of influence.

Scaling Solutions

Knowledge Sharing







It’s not just what we do but how we do it

Our success factors

System thinking


We take a system approach to the wicked sustainability challenges facing humanity and the planet, acknowledging that linear solutions seldom work in the long term. Through our challenge-focused and transdisciplinary approach we strive to involve as many perspectives, experiences and points of view as possible – to build common understanding and trust among the stakeholders that hold the keys to the solutions.

Connecting the dots and bridging the silos – both vertically and horizontally


We are proud to add value at all levels and across societal sectors. We lead knowledge sharing partnerships between countries globally, while working to support action on the ground in cities and regions. Our broad experience from working with the public sector, research actors, businesses and civil society makes us uniquely placed to facilitate meaningful dialogue with high impact potential. We have a big network and love connecting change agents to make positive things happen.

Sustainability expertise and the research connection


Sustainability is a huge field linking virtually all disciplines. The LightSwitch team has both broad understanding of sustainable development at large and more specific knowledge and experience related to energy system transformation, sustainability strategy development and leadership for climate action. We work closely with research actors and technical experts in climate science, renewable energy technologies and other sustainability solution areas and we know who to call for more specialist needs. In fact, some of them are part of the LightSwitch team already.

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